20th International AIDS Conference – Canada Exhibit – Call for Presentations, Volunteers and Resources

AIDS 2014 International logoAs many of you already know, the 20th International AIDS Conference, taking place in Melbourne, Australia.

This year, the Canada Exhibit will once again have a prominent placement at the conference and we are expecting to welcome many of the 20,000+ delegates at our exhibit.

The exhibit is an interactive stage for Canadians which showcases insightful presentations, and encourages visitor interaction with our Wishing Tree.

The presentations at the Canada exhibit will be given by civil society, researchers, multilateral organizationsand government – the partners in the Canada Exhibit. These presentations will be a combination of PowerPoint presentations, discussion, and question/answer period. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please find attached the necessary forms for you to complete and submit to Patricia Pearson via email at [email protected] by June 6, 2014.

As in past years, a USB of Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources will be compiled for delegates to take away, and we are currently producing a video that shares the milestones made by Canadians from the past 30 years.

In an effort to create a welcoming and memorable experience at our exhibit, we are searching for dedicated volunteers to represent Canada at our exhibit. If you know of someone who may be the perfect fit for the volunteer role, please share our link to the volunteer form with them

In addition, we are asking for your assistance with helping us create quality content to upload onto our USBs. Please submit your resources to us no later than June 6, 2014. Refer to the submission guidelines and form.

If you have any questions, please send your inquiries to the Project Manager, Patricia Pearson, at [email protected].

Thank you for your help and support as we prepare for the 20th International AIDS Conference.