PHAC – Population-specific Status Report: HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted and blood borne infections among youth in Canada

The Public Health Agency of Canada is pleased to announce the release of the Population-specific Status Report: HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted and blood borne infections among youth in Canada. This report is sixth in the series of reports prepared by the Public Health Agency of Canada on populations particularly affected by HIV/AIDS and other STBBIs in Canada.

This is the first time STBBI-specific information related to youth has been presented in such a comprehensive manner. The status report is presented in seven chapters, including a demographic profile of the population; epidemiological trends in HIV/AIDS and other STBBIs among youth; information on the social, economic and cultural factors that increase this population’s vulnerability to, and resilience against, HIV and other STBBIs; an outline of recent Canadian research; and a discussion of recent programmatic response initiatives.

This report is intended for individuals involved in the development of policy, programs and research activities addressing STBBIs among this population.

You can order or download a copy of the resource from the CATIE website

This publication can be made available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact [email protected]