WEDNESDAY MARCH 5, 2014 at 1:30PM EST*
To support the efforts of community-based organizations to raise public awareness of HIV, hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBI), the Public Health Agency of Canada will be offering training in 2014 to enhance social marketing skills and knowledge. Social marketing incorporates traditional commercial marketing practices with approaches to influence behaviour change in individuals for the benefit of their health, the health of their communities, and society as a whole.
Community based organizations that undertake public awareness activities related to STBBI will learn how to incorporate social marketing approaches into their work to better achieve improved public awareness that also results in appropriate behaviour change.
While this training is not mandatory for community based organizations funded by the Agency, future funding applicants proposing to undertake public awareness will be expected to demonstrate evidence of social marketing training and skills.
We are presently planning to offer the Community Based Social Marketing training over the course of three consecutive webinars. As a national, regional or local organization working to address STBBI you are being invited to participate in a Pilot Webinar of Module One: Introduction to Social Marketing. The webinar will be 90 minutes in duration and you will be asked to complete a brief questionnaire about the content and the approach before and after the training.
Please register, HERE!
Password: pilot