Conference Dates: October 29th & 30th, 2013
Conference Location: Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel, 7571 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC
Annual General Meeting: The AGM will take place on Wednesday, October 30th from 9:15 to 10:30 am.
Highlights will include:
- Keynote address by Carla Rieger, The Power of Laughter
- A Conversation with Micheal Vonn, of the BC Civil Liberties Association, on Stigma and Criminalization at the ED Summit
- IGNITE Talks on CBR and PAN Programming
- STOP HIV/AIDS Provincial Roll-Out Presentation by The Collaborative Implementation Committee
- PAN Board hosted Social Reception with light refreshments
- Fabulous games and prizes!
To see a PAN Fall Conference 2013 Draft Program, CLICK HERE!
Keynote Address: The Power of Laughter
by Carla Rieger
At the height of laughter the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. – Jean Huston
The organization that plays together stays together. If overwhelming challenges have worn people down, this might be just what you need. Even if the work you do is serious, a lighthearted approach in the helping professions can make a big difference. Constructive, uplifting fun at work can actually make everything work more efficiently. Contrary to popular belief a skill like this can be taught and built upon. Discover some of the latest tools in “humor” relations such as how to:
* build rapport instantly
* manage stress and improve attitude
* enhance daily enjoyment of work
* increase overall health and energy levels
* enhance productivity & engagement on the job
Experience the joy of laughing together – a celebration of people and life!
To read more about Carla, CLICK HERE!
Please click on the links below for the individual documents in relation to the Annual General Meeting:
- Important Information regarding PAN 2012 Board Elections
- 2012 PAN Draft AGM Meeting Minutes
- 2012 PAN PHA Forum Draft Meeting Minutes
Membership Applications:
1. Does HIV Look Like Me? International
Look for upcoming news about this event in our e-news!
If you don’t get our e-news and want to, you can join our emailing list by typing your email address into the newsletter box on the right hand side of this webpage.
If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact Sarah Evans, [email protected]
*Please note: Only 2 representatives from each PAN member agency will be sponsored by PAN for travel reimbursement and hotel accommodation. Shared hotel accommodation is only available to those residing outside of the Lower Mainland.
All PHAs are welcome to attend the PHA Forum, though only one representative from each organization may vote at the PHA Forum Board election. Please register both voting delegates, ED/Alternate and PHA, as well as any additional PHAs who wish to attend the PHA Forum.