Anonymous HIV testing pilot – information for community organizations


Dear PAN Member Organizations,

As you may already be aware, the BC Centre for Disease Control has recently initiated an anonymous HIV testing pilot project.  Anonymous HIV testing is a way to test for HIV where a person’s name and contact information (i.e. address, phone number and email) are not collected or recorded. Testers are given a numbered code that only they know and must provide that code to get their result. Anonymous HIV testing is different from non-nominal and pseudonym testing and you can read more about the differences at

Currently, there are sites offering anonymous testing in the Lower Mainland and BCCDC is hoping to expand the pilot to other sites around the province as well.

BCCDC would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about the pilot and have included a sample blog post, Facebook post, and tweets for you to share with your contacts as you see appropriate. These resources are available HERE.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Bobbi Brownrigg at [email protected] with any questions about the anonymous HIV testing pilot project.

Thank you,

Andrea Langlois