Community Leaders from Across the U.S. Call for Health Research Equity and Impact – Similar Issues in Canada?


Community-Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a nonprofit organization that promotes health equity and social justice through partnerships between communities and academic institutions. We are pleased to share with you the highlights from the 2nd National Community Partner Forum on Community-Engaged Health Disparities Research that took place December 5-7, 2012 in Washington DC.   The forum served to grow and deepen a national network of community leaders and community-based organizations in the US that engage in research to advance health equity and social justice.  The resulting Community Network for Research Equity and Impact seeks to ensure that communities have a significant voice in decisions about research practice and policy, are true partners in research, and fully benefit from the knowledge gained.

We invite you to read the attached report and share this announcement widely. It is also posted on the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health homepage.

We are eager for your feedback on whether a similar forum and network might be valuable in Canada.  We have a growing membership base in Canada and an office in Toronto where our executive director is based and would be interested in exploring collaborative possibilities with you.

The Community Network for Research Equity and Impact will be holding its next national meeting April 29-30, 2014 in connection with Community-Campus Partnerships for Health’s conference that week in Chicago.  Learn more, CLICK HERE.  The deadline for session and poster proposals is September 30, 2013.

If you have any questions or comments, please write Sarena at [email protected]


Elmer and Sarena

Elmer Freeman, Center for Community Health Education Research and Service Sarena Seifer, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health on behalf of the 2nd National Community Partner Forum Planning Committee (named in the report)

For the report, CLICK HERE