CAS Note: MEMBER UPDATE: PHAC plans for integration of delivery of services


PHAC plans for integration of delivery of services

The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) has been in discussions with senior levels of management of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) regarding their plans to integrate delivery of HIV/AIDS services with other STBBIs, hepatitis C and tuberculosis.

PHAC has proposed moving to a holistic approach for delivery of HIV, HCV and other STBBIs information and services because of the shared common modes of transmission, common risk behaviours and common social and structural risk factors. PHAC’s proposed holistic approach allows service organizations to create more comprehensive education, awareness and prevention programs. PHAC has acknowledged that service needs differ in communities across Canada and thus, is committed to maintaining an approach that is evidence-based, tailored to the demands of each community, culturally appropriate and is not intended to be “one size fits all”. Most importantly, CAS has stressed the need for all service delivery to be conducted through an HIV-lens.

It is important to note that the amount of overall funding under the proposed model will be the current $72.6 million plus the hepatitis C fund; community funding will remain stable at $26.2 million annually. Following discussion, PHAC has revised the deadline for full implementation of the new approach to April 1, 2017, to allow an adjustment and transition period. 

Upon full implementation in 2017, PHAC expects to provide funding to support one to three national organizations and approximately six to fifteen organizations at the regional level; however, this does not necessarily mean a reduction in the number of ASOs. Through the development of partnerships and collaborations, these organizations will administer funding to other organizations so that they can continue to provide the critical services needed in their communities.

During the three-year implementation timeline, PHAC will continue the overall funding at the same level, with a portion of those funds (the exact amount is yet to be confirmed) reallocated for transitional funding. The transitional funds will be used to facilitate both regional and national discussions so the National Partners as well as all ASOs (on a regional basis) can develop partnerships and coordinate the integration process. PHAC has made it clear that their wish is that each region (and the National Partners as a group) will design their own model. The ideal situation is that through community consultation, cooperation and development of partnerships, organizations will determine for themselves how the integration process will work.

CAS will continue to meet with senior members of PHAC, and continue to protect the interests of all our member organizations to the best of our ability. CAS is also committed to assisting with the transition in all regions. By facilitating meetings and engaging all member organizations in local, regional and national discussions we seek to ensure that when we speak with a national voice, we do so informed and engaged with all of our members.

We will provide you with further updates as more information becomes available. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact:

Monique Doolittle-Romas
CEO, Canadian AIDS Society
613-230-3580 ext 118
[email protected]