Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

Vancouver Candlelight Memorial Banner

AIDS Vancouver is honoured to welcome everyone to celebrate with us the 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial on Sunday May 19, 2013 beginning at 7:30pm in Alexandra Park at the Band Stand. We have a stellar cast of performers this year to celebrate and perform a musical tribute to people affected and infected by HIV and to all of those friends and family we have lost to HIV/AIDS.

This is a very special year as it marks the 30th Anniversary of the Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial as well as the 30th Anniversary of AIDS Vancouver.

The theme of the 30th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is “In solidarity”. On Sunday 19 May 2013, for the 30th time, grassroots organisations worldwide will commemorate International AIDS Candlelight Memorial. Communities will raise awareness around HIV, stand together with people living with HIV and remember the loved ones lost to HIV and AIDS.

The theme of “In solidarity” emphasizes the need for people living with and affected by HIV to join hands and work together in the response to HIV. Solidarity in communities is essential to reduce stigma and promote the involvement of people living with HIV in order to ensure a more effective HIV response. Only together as communities can we advocate for universal access to quality health and social services.

When the AIDS Candlelight Memorial was held first in 1983, no-one could have predicted the scale of the global epidemic. With over 30 million of lives lost and over 33 million people currently living with HIV, HIV remains a challenging reality. While for many people HIV has become a chronic disease, many others lack access to treatment and experience HIV-related stigma, discrimination and human rights violations on a daily basis. The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial reminds us of the impact that HIV has on our lives locally and globally.

The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial is one of the world’s oldest and largest grassroots mobilisation campaigns for HIV awareness. The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial takes place every third Sunday in May. It is led by a coalition of 1,200 community organizations in 115 countries, and is coordinated at the global level by the Global Network of People living with HIV.

The 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial event will be emceed by Bradford McIntyre, Vice-Chair, AIDS Vancouver. This will be a memorable event. Please plan on joining us on May 19, 2013 starting at 7:30pm.

Event Program

The 30th Vancouver International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

In Solidarity: A Musical Tribute to People Infected and Affected by HIV and those we have lost to AIDS.

May 19th 2013 at 7:30 PM in Alexandra Park, 1755 Beach Avenue, at Bidwell

Master of Ceremonies: Bradford McIntyre

Speakers and Performers

  • Chief Bill Williams
  • Bob Baker & The Eagle Song Singers & Drummers
  • Vancouver Men’s Chorus
  • Leora Cashe
  • Jess Cullen
  • PALS Chorus
  • Andrew Hiscox,
  • James Johnstone

Ending with the Lighting of the Candles.