Please join CATIE for their upcoming four webinar series
- New developments in HIV research and implications for frontline practice (June 6, 1PM EST)
- New developments in Hepatitis C research and implications for frontline practice (June 17, 1PM EST)
- Integrated approaches to HIV treatment and prevention (July 9, 1PM EST)
- Working from a sexual health or harm reduction perspective: Integration of HIV, HCV, tuberculosis and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) (July 22, 1PM EST)
These webinars will be an orientation to issues that will be discussed at the CATIE Forum: New Science, New Directions in HIV & HCV (September 18-19, 2013).
Registration for the CATIE Forum Webinars is now open.
We encourage anyone who works in HIV and HCV frontline work to join us online!