The Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Community of Practice is exploring some exciting opportunities that may have a direct impact on your community. Please read this update and consider joining this network to help shape mental health services and support in your region and community.
Our April discussion focused on two main areas: How to continue to develop and shape our community of practice and how to take advantage of some great opportunities around the corner.
Please read below for a sense of what is coming in the future and try to identify at least one person from your organization who can be involved in this CoP. We can make a difference! Especially since we are poised to leverage resources that can have a direct benefit for your community!
Values oriented foundation: There are many approaches to mental health, and the CoP proposes that we need to identify the values that will guide and shape our community-based approach to mental health. Over the next while, we will be asking for feedback and clarification on what values guide our work as we develop a values statement to nurture a holisitic and meaningful orientation to mental health services and supports to people living with and impacted by HIV and HCV. Think about the values that are important to you and share these with the CoP.
Fostering regional and organizational development: Presently, our CoP functions at a provincial level which means that participants come from across the province to this learning and supportive community. However, we are also exploring supporting regional CoP’s that would play a more focused role in supporting regional and organizational development. This also means supporting local mental health champions to play leadership roles in their community.
Example: Pan has secured funding to cover the registration fees for a number of PAN members to take the Mental Health First AID Training offered by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. This is an excellent 2 day training that provides basic mental health training. In addition, in the Fall, PAN will be able to begin offering this training directly. Very exciting.
Are you interested? Let me know!
As you may know, the mental health needs in our communities are becoming more visible and there is political will both at the national and provincial levels to address these needs. In BC, the province has just announced $17 million of new funds to enhance community mental health services. This CoP will be instrumental in developing and supporting initiatives to directly benefit people living with HIV and/or HCV. Over the next while, I will be gathering ideas from you about what you need and what you think would make a difference in order to be poised to respond to emerging RFP’s.
It’s very exciting to be a member of the CoP. One of the best parts is learning about the great strategies and programs that are currently happening in our communities- programs that are making a difference and that are making big impacts. It is exciting to learn what is possible!
For you, the call is this:
- Join the community of practice for our monthly discussions and updates
- Identify a value (s) that you think should guide our work in mental health and wellbeing
- Consider if you would like to take the Mental Health and First Aid training
- Share what your dreams are – what your community needs – to enhance mental health supports
Call or email me and I look forward to seeing you at the next CoP meeting on May 30, 2013 @ 2:30!
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