Dear PAN Members, allies and friends:
Ever since the announcement on November 30th by the province that the STOP HIV/AIDS program will be transitioned from a pilot to a provincial program, PAN has looked forward to the opportunity to share with you the funding allocation. We are pleased that this has now been made available to us by the Ministry of Health.
Please see the attached document , which shows the breakdown of the total annual funding envelope of $19.9 million, across the health regions and other STOP partners, with the provincial expansion.
The column on the far left shows the funding breakdown for the current fiscal (FYE March 31, 2013), which reflects allocations for the STOP pilot project. The columns to the right of that, reflect the budget for the provincial expansion (with the inclusion of the Fraser, Interior and Vancouver Island health regions). At this point the Ministry is providing projections for the next three years.
Finally, a reminder that BC’s strategic framework for the STOP HIV/AIDS Program, From Hope to Health: Towards and AIDS Free Generation, is available on theMinistry of Health website .
Jennifer Evin Jones
PAN Executive Director