Would you like to improve the global response to HIV among gay men and other men who have sex with men?
The MSMGF is looking for new, highly motivated members to serve on our global Steering Committee. Applicants should have:
- Strong links with the their communities at the country and/or regional levels;
- Experience serving on Boards; and
- One or more of the attributes described in the “Context” section of this call.
Established at the 2006 International AIDS Conference, the Global Forum on MSM and HIV (MSMGF) is the only global HIV and AIDS advocacy network specifically devoted to the needs of men who have sex with men (MSM). The MSMGF is governed by a collegially appointed, 20-member Steering Committee of internationally recognized advocates and HIV and AIDS professionals representing every major region of the world. The composition of the MSMGF Steering Committee is a reflection of its commitment to uphold a global perspective on and coverage of issues related to MSM, HIV, health, and human rights. Current delegates are from Australia, Cameroon, Canada, Dominican Republic, India, Jamaica, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Paraguay, Romania, Russia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Zimbabwe.
The MSMGF works globally and supports community advocates around the world. The MSMGF Secretariat has a staff of twelve and operates from offices in Oakland, California.
Context of this call for Expressions of Interest:
In 2012, 6 vacancies were created on the MSMGF Steering Committee as a result of rotation schedules and term limits of some members being reached. The MSMGF is seeking Expressions of Interest from activists who focus their work on issues concerning HIV, health, and human rights among MSM and who have knowledge regarding:
- MSM living with HIV
- Trans men who have sex with men
- Sex worker health and rights
- MSM who use drugs
- Non-profit management
- Organizational development
- Finance
- Funds development
- Health and community systems strengthening
- Technical assistance
- Research
The MSMGF will give strong preference to Expressions of Interest from young MSM (ages 30 or younger) and MSM living with HIV, especially those who are comfortable being publicly open about their HIV status and who have active connections with HIV-positive advocacy networks at global, regional, or national levels. Activists from networks of people who use drugs, sex workers, and transgender people are also encouraged to apply.
In this round of appointments we are also keen to further strengthen the Steering Committee’s expertise in organizational development, including but not limited to finance and fund-raising, and welcome applications from people with these skills.
Applicants must have strong links to and in-depth knowledge of their respective countries and/or regions.
Things You Should Know:
- Reasonable communication skills in English are necessary as this is the Steering Committee’s working language and the language for all routine documents.
- Most of the Steering Committee’s work is done by email, phone, and one in-person meeting a year.
- Steering Committee appointments are unpaid. However, the MSMGF will cover all expenses related to Steering Committee meetings.
- Steering Committee appointments are held in an individual capacity rather than as a representative of a particular organization or network.
For more information about the MSMGF, including the MSMGF’s Terms of Reference, visit our website at www.msmgf.org
Application deadline: Friday, 15 February
Expressions of interest will be reviewed by current MSMGF Steering Committee members. New members will be expected to participate in the next face-to-face Steering Committee meeting, scheduled to take place in mid-2013.