Status: Part Time Position (300 hours/per position)
Time Period: January 2013-August 2013
Project Summary:
The aim of this services scoping study is to a) collect program information on promising HIV prevention programs for rural and remote regions in Canada from selected AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs), other community-based organizations (CBOs), and clinics providing HIV prevention programs/interventions in rural/remote areas of Canada, b) develop and share an electronic compendium based on this information, and c) develop a research proposal on promising HIV prevention programs. Study outputs will include the electronic compendium, a journal article manuscript and a CIHR funding application. This study is a collaboration among academic and community members of the CIHR Social Research Centre (SRC) in HIV Prevention, in partnership with the CIHR Canadian HIV Clinical Trials Network (CTN), CATIE, the Canadian AIDS Society (CAS), and the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN). The study Principal Investigator is Dr. Catherine Worthington (University of Victoria).