Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Advisory Committee Highlights

Hi folks,

It’s been an exciting week. The Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Advisory Committee met on November 21th and discussed and generated a wealth of great ideas and suggestions for resource development – which we are happy to undertake.

Please find the minutes from the meeting here.

MHSU Advisory Committee Meeting Notes Nov 21, 2012

Some highlights of these activities:

We are planning to develop and make available an ongoing series of webinars. The topics over the next couple of months include:

  1. Trauma Introduction and Overview
  2. Case Study: Street College: Bringing Trauma-Management Strategies to the Street
  3. Trauma Informed Practice
  4. Trauma and Substance Use
  5. Vicarious Trauma and Self care

We also plan to gather and post other related resources. I’ll let you know when I add materials to the resources page on the website.

And on another exciting note, we are planning to launch case conferencing through the webinar technology in the immediate future. This will give frontline workers (and potentially others) the chance to discuss particular cases or situations amongst colleagues. This will give us a chance to benefit from the wealth of knowledge in our communities to learn with real situations and concerns.

We are sorting out details presently, we are going to take a “learn as we go” approach, so do stay tuned and share your ideas!

If you know of any great resources, or want to share something that you or your organization is doing that is making a difference, please let me know.

Please email: [email protected]

Carlene Dingwall (BA, M.Ed, PhD Candidate)

Mental Health, Substance Use and HIV/HCV Initiative 

Phone: 250-300-3177