In the wake of the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decisions in R. v. Mabior and R. v. D.C., a lot of media ink has been spilled — and the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and our partners have been very active, influencing coverage and bringing real understanding to this complex issue. The following is a selection of thoughtful and notable media coverage on the issue, both print and video (please note that links below are currently active, but may be deleted or archived at any time by their hosts):
- Supreme Court HIV rulings angers advocates
Kirk Makin
The Globe and Mail, October 5, 2012
- McKnight: HIV ruling raises new issues
Peter McKnight
Vancouver Sun, October 5, 2012
- HIV decision panned
CBC News, October 5, 2012
- HIV disclosure not mandatory
(in menu below video player, click October 5 show to reveal list of segments)
CTV Power Play, October 5, 2012
- Les organismes de lutte contre le VIH-sida se désolent du «faux message» sur le condom
Jean-François Néron
Le Soleil, 06 octobre 2012
- Les séropositifs ne sont pas tous tenus d’informer leurs partenaires
Hugo de Grandpré
La Presse, 05 octobre 2012
Meanwhile, stay tuned: we are studying the Supreme Court’s decisions and will provide a detailed analysis in the coming weeks. Please continue to follow us on Twitter (@AIDSLAW) and on
In solidarity,
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network