Positive Leadership Development Institute Core Training

On the weekend on Nov. 23 – 26 PAN will be hosting another Positive Leadership Development Institute (PLDI) – Core Leadership Training  at Loon Lake.

The deadline for applications is Thursday, October 4, 2012 by 4:00pm.

What is the Positive Leadership Development Institute?
The Positive Leadership Development Institute is a three module training for people living with HIV and offers PHAs an opportunity to identify and develop leadership skills. B.C. now provides all three modules of the training – Core Leadership Training, Communication Skills Training and Bored? Get on Board! (a training focused on board/organizational governance).

Core Leadership Training seeks to answer the question: “Who am I as a Leader?” The three main goals of the training are:

1.            To identify personal values and philosophy;

2.            To develop leadership skills and practices;

3.            To gain community knowledge and awareness.

Who is eligible to attend?
In order to attend, a person must be living with HIV/AIDS and resident in BC. Applicants must also have the endorsement of a PAN member agency. PAN is committed to ensuring diverse representation including women and Aboriginal PHAs. Core Leadership Training can be beneficial for PHAs both new and experienced in HIV work.

CLICK HERE to read more


Sarah Evans
Administrative Coordinator
Pacific AIDS Network