Research Coordinator: A Small Group Intervention to Reduce HIV Sexual Transmission Risk Behaviour Among HIV-Positive Gay and Bisexual Men
Positive Living BC seeks a project coordinator to work with Dr. Trevor Hart at Ryerson University, Dr. Barry Adam at the University of Windsor, Dr. Malcolm Steinberg at Simon Fraser University, the Health Promotion Department at Positive Living BC, Ontario Positive Prevention Working Group (PPWG), and a team of researchers to evaluate a new intervention strategy for HIV-positive gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) that promotes sexual health in a community-based framework. The strategy comes at a time when HIV rates have been rising among MSM, and when rates of unprotected sex have been rising among HIV-positive MSM. Evidence from successful HIV prevention programs reported in the research literature and consultations with leading developers and practitioners of programs directed toward HIV-positive men across North America, as well as with local HIV-positive men, will inform the development of a prevention program that is attractive to HIV-positive men and effective in moving towards a reduction in HIV transmission. This is the third phase of a project that involves piloting the program with HIV-positive gay and bisexual men, which is carried Positive Living BC in Vancouver.
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