Invitations were emailed on Tuesday, June 26/12. Please refer to that email for details about registration for this event. If you did not receive an invitation please speak with the appropriate staff member at your organization for information about attending.
PAN 2011-2012 AGM, PHA Forum, ED Forum
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel
7571 Westminster Highway
Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
CATIE 2012 Pacific Educational Conference
Wednesday, September 26 – Thursday, September, 27, 2012
Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel
7571 Westminster Highway
Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
As the STOP HIV/AIDS Project is in the fourth year of its pilot, the conference will provide the opportunity to look at the project from various community, policy and public health perspectives. Recent findings from a community-led, community- level evaluation of the STOP Project will be presented. This evaluation is an initiative of the STOP Community Engagement Working Group for which PAN has acted as the agency of record
The conference will also include updates on the current Standard of Care Hepatitis C treatments which will highlight new hepatitis C medications. The educational component will include topics such as Understanding Clinical Trials, the Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies while living with HIV, Nutrition for People living with HIV and the hot issues regarding Integrated Treatment and Prevention.
For the complete agenda, CLICK HERE