Youth and HIV: The Issues Survey

REACH’s Youth and HIV Working Group, established at the 2011 REACH100 Meeting, is seeking input into our survey, Youth and HIV: The Issues. Our objective with this survey is to determine which issues related to youth and HIV are most pressing from the perspective of researchers, frontline service providers, and youth themselves. We will use the responses we receive from this target group to prepare another, more focused survey that can be used to solicit feedback from a broader audience. We hope to present our findings at next week’s REACH100 Meeting, and to establish a set of priorities and project directions for our group at that time. As a member of a REACH Committee, Program of Research, or Working Group, we value your perspective and ideas.

The survey will take roughly 10 minutes to complete and can be found Here

Kindly complete this survey as soon as possible.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about the Youth and HIV Working Group, REACH, or this survey.


Jacqueline Gahagan and Nick Scott,
Co-Chairs, Youth and HIV Working Group
[email protected]

[email protected]