GNPI Mentoring Our Rising Executives (MORE) Cross-Sectoral Mentorship Program Launch

The GNPI Mentoring Our Rising Executives (MORE) is a six month group-based mentorship program that connects experienced leaders from government and non-profit organizations with emerging leaders in these sectors to develop leadership skills and build relationships.  The MORE program will take place in Victoria from September 2012 – February 2013.

There is no fee associated with the mentorship program; however, your supervisor / manager’s support is required.  Please see Supervisor Support for at   Please also note you must be based in Victoria and travel subsidies will not be offered.

Applications opened on June 15, 2012 and close July 15, 2012.

MORE is grounded in the value of exchanging knowledge, sharing insights and increasing mutual understanding between government and the non-profit sector while being guided by seasoned experts in the field.

This exciting initiative provides an opportunity for emerging leaders in the Victoria area in work in partnership with each other and with two mentors.

Protégés will:

  • Explore the potential for collective leadership and cross-sectoral collaboration
  • Develop leadership skills with guidance from senior executive leaders
  • Be exposed to increased potential for career mobility and promotion!

We encourage you to spread the word on this exciting initiative by asking people to visit the Community News tab on our GNPI website  for more information and application package.

Questions?   Please send questions to [email protected]

GNPI Council Office
[email protected]