We all invite you to be a part of these two worthwhile projects when they have been successfully funded.
HIV CBR Manual: A Community Perspective Reference Manual to Engage in CBR
The HIV CBR Manual application proposes to create a reference manual written in plain language designed to build the capacity of Community Based Organizations (CBO) to initiate competitive CBR grants and research projects. Written from an HIV community perspective, this manual will outline stages of the CBR project development process – beginning with the equitable engagement of academic researchers and culminating in the successful application of CBR findings to fund evidence-based HIV programming and to facilitate policy uptake. The manual, accessible in printed format and companion online reference tools, will effectively disseminate the cumulative work of the nine year history of the CBR Facilitator program at the Positive Living Society of BC, while continuing to build the capacity of community for competitive grant applications and community-situated rigorous HIV CBR in BC. Building the capacity of CBOs to initiate CBR is an approach whose time has come.
Facilitated Partner Building Sessions for HIV Community Based Research (CBR) Development: Bringing Together Community and Academia
This grant will provide a series of five facilitated partner building sessions bringing together academic researchers and community based organizations to develop successful, equitable HIV CBR projects. By convening guided discussion sessions of community partners, health researchers, and/or knowledge users, we will develop equitable CBR partnerships resulting in more successful grant applications. The partner building sessions will facilitate regional collaboration among individuals or groups from a variety of backgrounds, building new and existing multi-sectored partnerships that include a significant number of participants from outside the conventional HIV CBR community. The sessions will match community and academic partners; establish a relationship communication channel to understand capacity, explore common ground, research topic compatibility; and ultimately develop CBR project proposals for funding submission.
These descriptions are just the abstracts, for more information and if you’d like to be a part of these projects, contact me at your convenience!
Terry Howard, MScPPH
Director of BC HIV/AIDS Community-Based Research
Positive Living Society of BC (formerly BC Persons With AIDS Society)
1107 Seymour Street
Vancouver BC V6B 5S8
Phone (direct) 604.893.2281
Fax 604.893. 2251
Please visit my website http://bchivcbr.org/