AIDS 2012 Canadian HIV/AIDS Resources USB
The call includes documents, materials, reports and posters.
Inclusion Criteria:
Resources must cover at least one of the following topics:
- Prevention
- Care
- Treatment
- Support
- Social justice/human rights issues
- Scientific research (biomedical, clinical, health systems & services, and social, cultural and environmental factors that affect the health of populations)
- Community-based research
- International issues
- Policy/policy research
- Strategies/frameworks
- Multi-sectoral approaches/best practices
Next Steps:
1. Using the inclusion criteria, identify documents your organization would like to have included on the USB. Please remember, space is limited and not all documents may be included.
2. Follow the instructions on Page 2 and submit your new resources.
3. All resources to be included on the USB are due by June 20, 2012.
4. Submissions may be sent to [email protected]
For more information, CLICK HERE.