HepCBC is in the process of updating their email mailing list for their monthly bulletin, hepc.bull.
March Issue
April Issue
If you would like to receive the monthly hepc.bull by email please ask to be added to the list.
ALL BACK COPIES ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE: hepc.bull back to January 2001 are available at: http://www.hepcbc.ca/bulletin.html#backissues
IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE A HARD COPY BY MAIL, it is not free and you can subscribe via our website, www.hepcbc.ca/orderform.htm
(1) This morning we got word from Vertex Pharmaceuticals that telaprevir — Vertex’s INCIVIK (TM) — is now covered by Pharmacare of Quebec. Previously Saskatchewan approved it, and a decision by BC Pharmacare is expected soon. Telaprevir and Boceprevir are the protease inhibitors which those being treated for HCV (genotype 1 only) can add to their interferon-ribavirin treatment (also called ‘triple therapy).
(2) This morning we also heard how those CO-INFECTED with HCV/HIV who are Genotype 1 and want triple therapy (or even current Standard of Care) should now apply: For now, use the same form which MONO-INFECTED people with Genotype 1 use. They should state if they are applying for current Standard of Care (interferon-ribavirin only) or triple therapy (interferon-ribavirin with boceprevir). The requesting physician should note on the form that they will be monitoring for and adjusting therapy, based on potential drug interactions. If questions, please call Pharmacare at 604-683-7151 (Vanc.) or 1-800-663-7100 (elsewhere).
Thanks for your time and all the best to you from the folks at HepCBC
Cheryl Reitz, M.A., HCV+ Volunteer
HepCBC Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society
MAILING ADDRESS: #46009 – 2642 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC V8T5G7
OFFICE PHONE: 250-595-3892
OFFICE FAX: 250-595-3865
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: http://www.hepcbc.ca