HepCBC Hepatitis C Education & Prevention Society is pleased to invite you to a Public Interactive Forum about NEW “Consensus Guidelines” for the Management of Viral Hepatitis recommended by the Canadian Assn. for the Study of the Liver (CASL). Set aside Friday, Mar. 2, 2012 in Victoria, BC. All day, no charge. Limited seating so pre-register!
5 physician-researchers will present their ideas about viral hepatitis management guidelines. Public Q/A session will follow each presentation. Target audience: Medical professionals, Pharmaceutical reps, Patients & caregivers, Policy-makers, Media, anyone with an interest in new treatments and protocols for viral hepatitis, access to treatment, or Pharmacare coverage policies. We think a very interesting time will be had by all!
Click on the link below to pre-register. Remember, seating is limited! We cannot guarantee seating unless you pre-register
If you have any questions about this event, please visit www.hepcbc.ca or contact the Events Coordinator at email or phone below. Our organization is run primarily by HCV+ people who are volunteers, but we strive to answer all inquiries within 48 hours or less.
If you cannot make it, note that event Powerpoints and video will be online at www.hepcbc.ca as soon as possible following the forum. We will be happy to take your email questions and ask them on your behalf as well.
HepCBC Events Coordinator: [email protected] or 250-595-3892