Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to our spring 2011 update! After almost two years, REACH continues to build momentum and have an impact. We’re pleased to announce more success in CIHR funding for REACH-supported grants. Check out our feature article this month!
There is interest in our Centre model. Recently, I was asked to present on our REACH centre model and the Universities Without Walls training initiative to the Institute of Infection and Immunity – Institute Advisory Board, as well as to the Community HIV/AIDS Research Advisory Committee (CHARAC). Our funder is aware of our work and our achievements. I was also invited as REACH representative to a meeting organized by CIHR and the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) of Health Canada to talk about the kind of supports that REACH can provide to Aboriginal communities that want to apply for research funding. Our role in this initiative is to build on and augment the support now available to Aboriginal communities from the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network.
In the last few months, we have collaborated on two key initiatives with our sister Centre: The Social Research Centre. Together, we co-sponsored a lecture by Dr. Catherine Dodds of Sigma Research at the University of London, and presented at the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network’s Wise Practices III gathering in Halifax.
As part of the evolution as a Centre, we are in the process of identifying the research priorities we will pursue over the next three years. Some of these priorities have been identified and developed through our programs of research; some are being guided by CIHR funding priorities. Having started broadly, we are now ready to focus where we think we can have the greatest impact on the health and lives of people with and at risk of HIV – while still providing resources and support to incubate new ideas.
I look forward to seeing most of you at CAHR in Toronto this year. We decided not to plan a full REACH event with CAHR because we know how busy our members will be with their networking. Instead we’re planning an all-Centre meeting on June 27th and 28th – so mark your calendars now.
Yours Sincerely,
Sean B. Rourke
Director, CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/AIDS
To read the April issue of outREACH please click HERE.