LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER – Gay Men and HIV: findings from the Vancouver ManCount Survey

How do you know what you know?

In 2008, ManCount recruited 1,139 gay and bisexual men from Vancouver’s gay venues to complete a questionnaire and provide a finger-prick blood sample. The aim was to measure the rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI, HCV, HPV) in this population.

Now the results are in!

The Pacific AIDS Network is pleased to be working in partnership with the ManCount collaborative team to present a tele-learning opportunity.

Please join Dr. Mark Gilbert (BC CDC) and members of the study team on February 24, this Thursday, from 10 to 11:30 am Pacific Time for a BC tele-learning presentation and discussion, entitled, “Gay Men and HIV: findings from the Vancouver ManCount Survey”

Pre-Registration is required and space is limited.

Please register by sending your email to: [email protected]

You will be sent dial-in telephone information and the power-point presentation, so you can follow along.

Be sure to read the community report: “ManCount Sizes-up the Gaps”. It’s available at (under Survey Updates and Results).

ManCount is a collaborative research study organized by BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver Coastal Health, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Health Initiative for Men (HIM), and Community Based Research Centre (CBRC). ManCount is a second-generation HIV surveillance study linked to M-Track, a national monitoring program organized by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).