In conjunction with the 20th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2011) in Toronto, we will be hosting an event on April 13 and 14, 2011, to initiate the development of a comprehensive national research agenda for women, transwomen, girls and HIV/AIDS in Canada. The event will bring together diverse stakeholders including people who are living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, researchers, policy-makers, health-care providers, representatives of ASOs and community groups, research funders and others to engage in dialogue and identify strategic directions for research by/for/about women, transwomen, girls and HIV/AIDS in Canada.
What: Towards the Development of a Coordinated National Research Agenda for Women, Transwomen, Girls and HIV/AIDS in Canada: A Multi-stakeholder Dialogue
When: Wednesday April 13 (from 8:30AM-5:00PM) & Thursday April 14 (from 8:30AM-12:30PM) 2011
Where: The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario
Scholarships (The Scholarship Application Form)
To ensure the participation of those who would not otherwise be able to attend the event, we are offering a limited number of full scholarships. Scholarships will cover all expenses related to participation in the event, including return travel to Toronto, accommodations and meals. The scholarship applications will be reviewed by a scholarship sub-committee in a blinded review process. Scholarships will be awarded to participants from diverse regions and communities across Canada. Priority will be given to individuals with limited funding opportunities, including people who are living with HIV/AIDS, people from marginalized communities and frontline service providers.
Please return the completed form to Sophie Wertheimer, Canadian AIDS Society
By email: [email protected]
By Fax: 613-563-4998
By Mail: 190 O’Connor, Suite 800, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2R3
For questions, information, or help in filling out the application form, please feel free to contact Sophie by email ([email protected]) or by phone at 613-230-3580 ext. 123 (in Ottawa) or 1-800-499-1986 ext.123 (Toll-free in the rest of Canada).
We look forward to seeing you in Toronto!
The Event Partners
This event is being jointly organized by 25 individuals and organizations across Canada, including Positive Women’s Network