This workshop will:
- Increase the capacity of media representatives to report on new HIV prevention technology (NPT) trials with accuracy and sensitivity;
- Raise skills amongst community‐based organizations to critically analyze media discourse about HIV prevention trials;
- Increase the capacity of community
Date: Saturday February 12, 2011
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: 1107 Seymour Street, 1st Floor, Training Room, Vancouver
This is a free workshop and lunch is provided.
To register and/or request further information please contact Shayna Buhler at sbuhler@icad‐cisd.com or 613‐233‐7440 ext. 112.
Registration deadline: February 4, 2011
Some financial support is available for participants outside of Vancouver to attend this workshop. If you require financial support, please contact Shayna Buhler by January 28th. Priority will be given to those travelling within British Columbia.
A poster for the workshop is available HERE.