Request for info on violence against women, mental health and substance use across Canada

BC Society of Transition Houses is conducting a scan of the issues of violence against women, mental wellness and substance use in Canada. We are trying to learn more about programming in Canada for women who have experienced violence who have varying levels of mental health and substance use. More specifically, we’re looking to learn about:

  • the various models of service delivery in Canada
  • accessibility and gaps in VAW services for women with varying levels of mental health and substance use
  • funding sources
  • relevant legislative/funding changes in the last 5 years that have impacted programming in this area either provincially or federally

We are hoping to chat with representatives across Canada, and the province of BC in particular, who can help us learn more about these areas via phone conversation (no longer than 45 minutes). Representatives can be from the violence against women, mental health or substance use fields as well funders for these groups and government. Please pass this on to people who may be interested.

Phone conversations will take place between January 10th and 21st. If you are able to help us please contact Rebecca at [email protected] or 604.669.6943 x. 221 as soon as possible.

Rebecca Haskell
Project Coordinator
BC Society of Transition Houses
Suite 325, 119 W. Pender St. Vancouver BC V6B 1S5
T: 604.669.6943 ext: 221 | F: 604.682.6962 | TF: 1.800.661.1040