2011 PHA Forum, ED Summit, AGM and CBR Event

The Fall 2011 PAN PHA Forum, ED Summit, AGM, CBR Event and CATIE Pacific Educational Conference has now concluded.  We would like to thank all the presenters for participating in the various sessions and we would also like to thank CATIE and all their staff for their continued support of programming in BC.

We would also like to thank everyone that attended the conference for making it a great success.


Information available for download:

PHA Forum:

Draft Minutes PAN Forum Sept 13 2011 


PAN Member Survey Summary – Hepatitis C and HIV/hepatitis C Co-infection Services in BC – September 2011


DRAFT Minutes PAN AGM Sept 13 2011

CBR Event:

National CBR Scene – Dr. Sean Rourke

CBR as Decolonizing Research – Dr. Charlotte Reading

CBR Workshop Report 2011

CATIE/PAN – Pacific Educational Conference:

Biology of Sexual Transmission and NPTs – Part 1

Biology of Sexual Transmission and NPTs – Part2

HIV and Mental Health

Closing Keynote by Alex McClelland – presentation / Closing Keynote by Alex McClelland – speaking notes

To view the video that Alex McClelland used in his presention please click HERE.




Fall 2011


Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

10:45 am to 12:00 noon

2nd Floor Ballroom
Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel
7571 Westminster Highway
Richmond, BC

Breakfast and registration for the day is from 8:00 am to 9:00 am.

The AGM will be preceded by the PHA Forum as well as the Executive Director Summit, which will take place concurrently on the same date and location from 9:00 am to 10:30 am.

The AGM will be followed by a CBR Networking lunch from 12 noon to 1:00 pm.

Lunch will be followed by the event Looking Forward, Standing Together: A Provincial Strategy for Community-Based Research in BC which will take place from 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm.


2011 AGM Documents for download:

AGM Notice

2011 draft AGM Agenda

2010 draft PAN AGM Minutes

Important Information Regarding PAN 2011 Board Elections

PAN’s Audited Financial Statements 2010/11

PAN’s Annual Report for 2010/11


Three PAN membership applications will also be considered at the AGM:

Central Interior Native Health Society

Interior Indian Friendship Society

Patient Voices Network Project, ImpactBC



PHA Forum and ED Summit Agendas:

2011 draft PHA Forum Agenda

2011 draft ED Summit Agenda

To view draft minutes from the 2010 PHA Forum and ED Summit please click HERE.


Looking Forward, Standing Together: A Provincial Strategy for Community-Based Research in BC:

CBR Event Program – Look Forward, Standing Together_Final