Since 2001 the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) has held annual interdisciplinary workshops to inform and update health and social care professionals about the health and social impacts of viral hepatitis. In an effort to reach a broader audience, BCCDC has partnered with BCIT’s Specialty Nursing department to create a new and unique online learning opportunity.
The only course of its kind in Canada, NSOH7700 Viral Hepatitis is aimed at both healthcare professionals who care for patients living with hepatitis as well as social service providers who deal with at-risk clients. The course will provide a foundation of knowledge about the medical and social aspects of viral hepatitis for those new to hepatitis care and will advance the expertise of those already involved. The course will be presented using both individual patient and population health perspectives. Topics covered include:
- The epidemiology and prevention of Hepatitis A, B and C
- Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the normal and abnormal liver
- Client assessment: health history and physical exam
- Treatment and management of viral hepatitis
- Hepatitis B and C as chronic illnesses
- Social stigma and the management of viral hepatitis
- Harm reduction and priority populations
- The impact of health literacy on viral hepatitis prevention, care and treatment
Course registration is now open!
Tuition for the January 2011 term is $494, with no additional texts or course materials required.