Welcome to the HIV Housing Toolkit


Welcome to PAN’s Housing Toolkit! This toolkit was made as part of Positive Living, Positive Homes, a community-based research study funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and co-led by the Pacific AIDS Network (PAN) and the University of Victoria.

There are nine modules to build capacity, skills, and understanding. Click on the links below to skip to a module.


Module 1: Background to the HIV Housing Toolkit
Module 2: How Housing Works in BC
Module 3: Is Moving Right for You?
Module 4: Choosing and Moving Into Housing


Module 5: Tenant and Landlord Rights and Responsibilities
Module 6: Trouble-Shooting Tenant Problems
Module 7: HIV, Stigma, and Housing
Module 8: Housing Resources in BC
Module 9: HIV Information for Housing Staff

Click here to access a collated list of printable graphics and resources developed by PAN for use with this toolkit. 

Most parts of the toolkit will be useful for anyone living with a chronic or highly stigmatized health condition who wants to know more about how housing works in BC. Please share widely!


We would also like to thank and acknowledge the groups and individuals who provided feedback, expertise, and external review on the contents of many of these modules, including: people with lived experiences, staff of the BC Non-Profit Housing Association, staff of Positive Living North, staff of the Residential Tenancy Branch, and staff of First United.