Webinar Category: KnowledgeConnect

Working With Peer Research Associates

Run time: 35:11. Please complete the evaluation after viewing. In this KnowledgeConnect webinar, Peer Research Associates (PRAs) from the BC People Living with HIV Stigma Index reflected on their  experiences working on the project, and offered their thoughts on best practices to teams which include or are thinking of including PRAs in their work. These… Read more »

Near and Far: the Harm Reduction Landscape in the Interior

Each region in BC is facing its own overdose crisis within this public health emergency. Each region has its own layout of services, and the sheer land area of each region can make it difficult to support everyone who needs harm reduction services. ANKORS has been providing community care and support in the East and… Read more »

Making Connections for Cultural Safety and Humility

For groups that are non-Indigenous but work with Indigenous people, there may be some gaps in knowledge about how to best provide culturally sensitive and appropriate support. In this KnowledgeConnect dialogue the topic was how to advance cultural safety through humility, sensitivity, and skills development. Andrea Derban and Cherlyn Cortes of the First Nations Health… Read more »

Hepatitis C Schooling That Connects: Dialogue with Shelley Taylor of CATIE

World Hepatitis Day is honoured every year on July 28, and this year we presented a KnowledgeConnect dialogue webinar will focus on hepatitis C knowledge and skills that connect people across the country. Shelley Taylor, the Regional Health Education Coordinator with CATIE, shared what brought her to working in hepatitis C and what her work… Read more »

Measuring Reductions in STBBIs: Your Input Matters

Help Shape how Canada evaluates its success in addressing HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C and other STBBIs!  Reducing the health impact of sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs) is a key goal for British Columbia, for Canada, and globally. To support this goal, the Public Health Agency of Canada released a Pan-Canadian STBBI Framework for Action and… Read more »

Pozcast: Supporting PLHIV in their Health

During Men’s Health Week we sat down with James Watson, the host of Pozcast. The goal of Pozcast is to connect people living with HIV with HIV research in ways that matter. Episodes on men’s health have included HIV and fatherhood, and a series on drug use in the gay men’s community. But it is… Read more »

Creative, Inclusive, Rooted: Supporting Indigenous Youth with Yúusnewas

YouthCO has been working to reduce the impact of stigma related to HIV and hepatitis C since 1994. YouthCO’s Yúusnewas program is an Indigenous peer-led program. Their work includes workshops on HIV, sexual health and harm reduction in urban and rural communities; Culture is Healing events by and for Indigenous youth in downtown Vancouver; First… Read more »

Options for Sexual Health: Partners for Impact

Options for Sexual Health provides BC communities with comprehensive sexual health services through clinics, education programs, and Sex Sense, their free and confidential sexual health resource and referral service. Michelle Fortin and Nicole Pasquino shared how their work can support PAN members in frontline services, as well as provide professional development for staff and volunteers…. Read more »

Shared Vision; Regional Action: Using Collective Impact to Strengthen Services for Women

Molly Bannerman, the Provincial Director  of the Women and HIV/AIDS Initiative (WHAI) in Ontario presented a webinar about WHAI’s work to strengthen communities. The WHAI builds capacity in organizations that provide services to women. Working with coordinators in 15 sites, the WHAI uses a collective impact approach to identify key priorities overall and 3-4 priority… Read more »

Catch the News from CBRC Health Summit

Couldn’t make the Community Based Research Centre’s Health Summit? Share in the energy and change generated. The Community Based Research Centre’s Health Summit is a longstanding source for up-to-date research and community check-in on the health of gay, bi, trans, Two-Spirit, queer (GBT2Q), and other men who have sex with men. Researchers from across Canada… Read more »

Project Inclusion: A Human Rights Approach to HIV, Hepatitis C and Overdose Prevention

Learn what your organization can do to act on the findings of  Project Inclusion, a human rights approach to HIV, HCV and overdose prevention in BC. Pivot traveled to communities in BC to speak with people coping with poverty, homelessness, and substance use about how programs and policies affect their health. Pivot’s Darcie Bennett shares… Read more »

KnowledgeConnect Dialogue: Mobile Harm Reduction and the Stimulus Conference

We hosted a dialogue-based webinar with AIDS Vancouver Island’s Kim Toombs and Ivan Fletcher on October 17, 2018. Ivan works in mobile harm reduction and Kim is on the Overdose Outreach team. Ivan and Kim talked about lessons from their work and Kim sahred her experiences from the Stimulus conference on drugs, policy and practice, which took… Read more »