Resources: 2020-21


The Year in Review 


PAN resources are key supports to our work in advocacy, capacity building, research and evaluation. Resources may be developed in tandem with a specific event or training, as a result of research findings, or in response to emerging community needs.


Evolving Foundation Pieces

We provide an up to the minute community hub on events, research, and advocacy taking place in BC and elsewhere in the country by way of our News and Community Events section of the website. Our newsletter, PAN Weekly News, shares additional information and has subscribers across the country; we share news from around the world on Twitter. Each of our webinars are recorded and available for on-demand viewing. The KnowledgeConnect webinar series is focused on skills and capacity building; the PAN Presents series is more of a global view of policy and advocacy issues. The CBR in BC Quarterly meetings are an opportunity for those engaged in community-based research to come together and discuss the direction of research for HIV, hepatitis C and related conditions in the province.


New this Year

Resources that are new to our library are listed alphabetically and include:

Alcohol Harm Reduction

As we developed a training event focused on trends in alcohol use and how alcohol use impacts community, we also worked to provide resources for learners to take away, ponder, and share. You can find the recordings from the day long event along with resources on harm reduction and overdose, peer support, healthcare guidance, and research at this link.


Indigenous Cultural Safety Resources

A core approach of PAN’s work is our dedication to ongoing learning so we may do our best alongside member groups, partners, and allies. This includes learning about cultural safety and accountability to Indigenous and First Nations people who have been subjected to ongoing discrimination and racism. While we humbly acknowledge we are not an authority on cultural safety, we hope to be part of creating more equitable environments for all. This page shares training events and resources we have taken part in and can recommend from experience.


Let’s Talk Stigma Reduction!

Let’s Talk Stigma Reduction! resources come from the event of the same name held in June 2021. The event brought together diverse individuals, organizations, and communities to discuss stigma from an intersectional perspective as it is experienced/enacted broadly in relation to health and the social determinants of health. The resource page features recordings of the event, a report that includes recommendations for next steps, and further reading for those who wish to follow our ongoing work on stigma. For a historical perspective on some of our research work on stigma, see the BC People Living with Stigma Index Project journey.


New Testing Technologies for STBBIs

Testing technologies for STBBIs are rapidly changing in Canada. For example, HIV self-testing was approved in Canada in late fall of 2020, and PAN has been supporting the national rollout of research on how people will engage with this option through the I’m Ready!/J’agis Program. Our New Testing Technologies for STBBIs page provides ongoing updates on new testing technology news, information on HIV self-testing and other testing technologies, PAN’s work and additional resources!


PAN’s Research and Evaluation Treehouse

The Research and Evaluation Treehouse is a great page for those who want to know how research and evaluation feed one another. We think of research and evaluation like two different trees with different origins, intertwined in methods and analysis, that separate again in what they can tell you and how their information is shared. Building on the tree metaphor – the Treehouse sits on the limbs between both the Research and the Evaluation Tree and provides a space for us to come together to learn and build our capacity in both of these areas.


Sharing Space: Indigenous Research in the Time of COVID-19 Community of Practice

The Sharing Space: Indigenous Research in the Time of COVID Community of Practice is a partnership of the AHA Centre and PAN /REACH Nexus. This Community of Practice is open to anyone who engages in Indigenous research. See recordings of past sessions of Sharing Space and consider joining us- find recordings and registration information on the Sharing Space page.


Thank you to all who engage with us and contribute to our work. We are proud to be part of vibrant communities working for change.

For more information about our Resources, contact Janet Madsen, Capacity Building and Digital Communications Coordinator, [email protected]


Team Reports

Year in Review home page
Message from PAN Leadership   
Training and LeadershipCommunity-Based Research
EvaluationCollective Impact Network  |  Resources

Our Supporters   |   Meet the People at PAN




Image: Russ Ward, Unsplash