COVID-19 resources: prevention and vaccine updates

This information is not regularly updated and this information should be considered archival. Please visit these sites for the most current information:


As information on prevention, policy, and programs is rapidly evolving, these resources generally direct users to frequently updated sites, rather than single pages that can go quickly out of date. We provide evidence-based resources and encourage members to dig deeper as their mission/work requires. We are grateful to everyone as they do their best through this crisis and wish all well as we work within this extraordinary time.


We recommend people start their search for information on prevention and updates on the BC Centre for Disease Control COVID-19 pages. They provide key learning with ongoing updates about COVID-19 and how things look in BC.


COVID Vaccines

COVID Vaccine information from BC’s Provincial Government: Learn about COVID vaccines, and how to get scheduled for yours. It includes up to-date info on  timeline for people who are “clinically extremely vulnerable”. The good news is that having HIV or hep C does not necessarily mean people are clinically extremely vulnerable.


COVID Vaccine information from the BC Centre for Disease Control: vaccine safety, schedules, and frequently asked questions


COVID Vaccines and HIV
This page from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS contains information on vaccines as well as COVID treatment considerations for people living with HIV.


Your personal toolkit to prevent COVID-19
Public health mandates evolve as life in a time of COVID does. This advice comes from the BC CDC: “It’s important to remember that we have many tools, such as vaccines, treatments and our own actions that can protect us from the impacts of COVID-19. You can determine how and when to use these tools while supporting your family’s overall physical and mental health.”


Child-friendly Vaccination Resources from BC CDC:


Pregnancy and COVID-19 Vaccination

First Nations Health Authority video featuring Dr. Terri Aldred (Tl’Azt’En) who answers the question of “Does the COVID-19 vaccine affect pregnancy or fertility?”.


Vaccine Hesitancy

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: 12 Things You Need to Know
September 2021: The COVID-19 vaccine was created quickly, but was carefully tested for safety. Development did not cut corners on testing for safety and efficacy. The vaccines were made using processes that have been developed and tested over many years, and which are designed to make — and thoroughly test — vaccines quickly in case of an infectious disease pandemic such as COVID-19. Find out more if you or people you love are feeling concerns about getting vaccinated.


Interactive Guide to Support Conversations with People Who Are Vaccine Hesitant
A guide has been developed to help introduce discussion with people are hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. While it’s designed for primary care doctors, there are points that can be used by all frontline workers.


Transmission and testing

Visit the COVID-19 Testing information from BC CDC to see when you should get COVID-19 testing.

If you don’t have access to an N95 mask, or an equivalent, layering masks can be a good option — but that’s only if they’re being worn correctly. Dr. Anna Wolak, a family physician and member of Masks4Canada, breaks down the dos and don’ts of mask layering, as well as some hacks to help your masks fit better. January 2022
What do I need to know about wearing masks? 
Learn from the BC Centre for Disease Control about mask use and care.

Questions about Personal Protective Equipment? See the BC CDC guidance about personal protective equipment.


Region Specific News from Health Authorities

These links provide COVID-19 information for each authority.

Fraser Health

Interior Health

Island Health

Northern Health

Vancouver Coastal Health


Canada-wide information: National health tracking and economic plans from the Government of Canada.

Global-perspective: International tracking from the World Health Organization


See all COVID-19 resource pages


PAN updates to members


COVID-19 Prevention and vaccine updates

HIV and Hepatitis C




Harm Reduction: substances and sex



Indigenous Communities and Cultural Safety


Prison Populations


Mental Health



Economic Response Plans


Funding sustainability for non-profits


Workplace Adaptation


COVID-19 Home


Last reviewed and updated January 12, 2024