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On September 25-28, 2009 another milestone took place in the HIV/AIDS movement, the first ever formalized PHA Leadership Development Training Level I was held for four days at Loon Lake outside of Maple Ridge here in BC. Eighteen PHA’s (People living with HIV/AIDS) from within BC participated and received certificates for their active participation in… Read more »

Cancel the Cuts!

BC Health Ministry marked World AIDS Day by delivering severe funding cuts to HIV/AIDS service directed Community Based Health Organizations (CBHO’s.). 18% of Canada’s estimated total HIV-positive population lives in BC. Given that BC represents approximately 13% of the overall population of Canada; BC has a disproportionate share of the HIV burden. These funding cuts… Read more »

PAN Logo Released (2009)

PAN is very pleased to announce that we have developed a new logo for the Network.  The new logo can now be seen on the website.  A formal launch of the logo will take place at the PAN AGM on Wednesday, October 28th.