Category: Evaluation

The Importance of Evaluation

*This article is being shared with permission from the author, Bill Freeman Many people think of evaluation as taking a snapshot of outcomes at the end of a program to prove to a funder that the program worked. Some people don’t hold evaluation in much regard; they believe they are getting too little information too… Read more »

Guest Blog: Kylie Hutchinson – Consultant

My name is Kylie Hutchinson.  I work within the field of evaluation as a consultant, trainer, and coach.  For seven years I taught the Canadian Evaluation Society’s Essential Skills Series in BC, and I Twitter occasionally on evaluation related topics at @EvaluationMaven.  I’m also the author of the original Outcomes for BC Working Group needs… Read more »

Busting Some Evaluation Myths

When people think of “evaluation” they imagine endless paperwork ending in boring reports.  Horrible, right?   I believe that evaluation can be a lot more satisfying for everyone involved.  Evaluation CAN (and often SHOULD) BE: A systematic approach to answering questions about a program or project that takes into account values and judgment about success A… Read more »