Category: Evaluation

Finding & Working with an Evaluator

While this site does come from out of the US, and from a background of environmental education, it does offer some great resources on how to find and work with an evaluator, including deciding whether to go with an external or an internal evaluation, and tips on actually finding an evaluator.  This site, by MEERA… Read more »

Program Evaluation Methods

Over the past couple of months I have been posting various resources on the why, what, and who of evaluation, as well as the history of program evaluation in Canada.  This resource looks at the HOW of evaluation.  This guide, put out by the Minster of Public Works and Government Services and published by the… Read more »

Update Evaluation Resources Page!

Wondering where you can find all of those fascinating tools I have been sending you over the last month or so?  Losing sleep that you may lost them in the abyss of your inbox?  Have no fear, they are now all neatly organized for your accessibility on our Evaluation Resources Page!  Check it out!

Brought to us by Imagine Canada, a very comprehensive guide to project evaluation was developed in 2006 by Fataneh Zarinpoush.  When I say this is comprehensive (it is 98 pages long!), I mean comprehensive!  The guide is broken into four modules and a glossary as well as appendices for templates.  What is great about this… Read more »

Ok, so we all know, or are beginning to understand, how important evaluation is (right?), but evaluation is only as good as it’s content, and the goodness of that content depends on the input from important people (board, staff, member, clients, etc.).  In our world, these folks, among others, are referred to as “stakeholders”.  Published… Read more »

The Logic Model (insert eerie music here)…

Ah, the logic model… I have a love/hate relationship with logic models – while I will admit they are not my favourite daytime (or evening) activity, I do see how useful they are and and when I have completed one I subject anyone and everyone (including unsuspecting spouses!) to the beauty of what I have… Read more »

Evaluation & Sustainability

How can evaluation help sustain community programs?  The people at the Harvard Family Research Project share their views on the role an evaluator can play in community work.  The Evaluation Exchange is a newsletter out of the HFRP and this issue looks specifically at evaluating community-based initiatives.  To download this issue of the Evaluation Exchange,… Read more »

Evaluation Plan Workbook

Check out the Resources page for a new Evaluation Plan Workbook developed by Innovation Network Inc., an American non-profit organization that keeps a database of evaluation tools and resources for non-profit organizations.  It is free to join, and with registration you have access to a database of 250 tools and resources, among other things. If… Read more »

Introduction to Program Evaluation

The second in a series of posts of Program Evaluation training resources developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada.  This week’s post is an Introduction to Program Evaluation, a module that guides people through the basics of program evaluation.  To view the module, please click here. Please also find a link to the module… Read more »

Program Evaluation Toolkit

The Public Health Agency of Canada has developed a series of tools and resources for program evaluation in public health based on recommendations from a working group of Ontario’s Ministry of Health.  Check back here in the coming weeks for more posts about some of these resources, as well as on our Resources page. To… Read more »

History of Program Evaluation

Scanning through the pages on the web, I came across this interesting article out of York University on the history of program evaluation according to Ian Greene.  It gives a great overview of where the evaluation came from in Canada, where it can go from here, and what lessons can be learned. To read the… Read more »