About Us


PAN is strengthening BC’s collective action on HIV, hepatitis C, and harm reduction. Based in in what is colonially referred to as British Columbia (BC), in Canada, our work is grounded in collaboration to reflect the voices and needs of member organizations and communities. We are committed to respectfully developing relationships with Indigenous peoples, communities, and Nations in the areas in which we work. We work to address reconcilation needs identified in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.


PAN’s community work started in responding to the HIV/AIDS crisis, and we evolve as needed to respond to additional complex health and advocacy issues.  Our work in BC and with partners across the country includes advocacy, policy change, capacity building, leadership training, research and evaluation. Learn about about our legacy, logo and tagline, and how we work.


Our Principles

At PAN, we:

  • Value human life and the inalienable rights to life, to dignity, and to personal development.
  • Support the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
  • Respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action,
  • Uphold Climate Change action and Environmental rights – a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment – as integral to human rights.
  • Promote mutual respect, acceptance, participation and the equity of every person* without distinction.
  • Do not discriminate against any person*, but identify and eliminate persistent patterns of inequity associated with discrimination.
  • Prevent and reduce human suffering in the spirit of compassion.
  • Address social and economic inequities and fostering social justice.

* based upon race, colour, language, creed, religion, political or other opinion, national origin, age, disability, health, material status, gender, gender expression, gender identity or sexual orientation.



Working collaboratively, we build the capacity and skills of our member organizations, including people with lived experience, to effectively address HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and related communicable diseases and conditions.  Learn how our mission comes to life


The people who drive our work

People with lived experience of HIV, hepatitis C, substance use and mental health challenges are vital voices in our community. We work within a framework encompassing cultural safety and competence, and conduct events within group guidelines and responsibilities. PAN is made up of member organizations across BC,  the PAN Board of Directors  and staff – and PAN’s governance structures are consistent with our mission and key principles of inclusion. Key allies and collaborators  focus on HIV and hepatitis C, Indigenous health, public health, housing, poverty rights and other social justice issues, law and health care policy. We work with regional, provincial and national health authorities and our supporters to provide the strongest community response possible.



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Territorial Acknowledgement and Commitments

Strategic Plan, Values and Approaches

Board of Directors


Member Organizations

Group Guidelines and Responsibilities

Our Supporters

Members & Allies Surveys

Annual Reports, Bylaws and Policies

PAN Affiliated Researchers



Image: Maelick