Homelessness and Mental Health

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Much has been written on the interrelatedness of mental health and homelessness, some arguing that mental health problems lead to homelessness, while others claiming that homelessness is a stress factor which provokes mental ill health. Although the direction of causality is not straightforward, the link clearly shows how mental health cannot be treated in isolation and how its wider social context, e.g. social status, poverty or social relations, has to be considered.


In the latest report from Europe, the authors explore the connection between homelessness and mental health and the similarities between Europe and Canada are stark- as is the lack of appropriate supports and services. One article explores research that indicates that brain injury is an acute reality for many people living on the streets. Perhaps the most interesting articles, though, are those written by people who previously lived on the streets and who experienced severe mental health concerns at the time.


To read the full report, click on the link, Homelessness in Europe: Summer 2013


Have a great week!


IMG_4048Carlene Dingwall

[email protected]
