Walking Our Talk: Everyday Decolonizing

We were pleased to support a virtual training to discuss approaches to building decolonization ethics into our everyday practices in non-profit and community-based work. Dr. Shauneen Pete and Nikki Sanchez encouraged us to see how we could strengthen our approaches to standing against colonialism in our work. These discussions offered essential insights and skills for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants.


Decolonization for Our Work Within Communities

Presenter: Dr. Shauneen Pete

Dr. Shauneen Pete is from Little Pine First Nation in Treaty 6 Territory. She graduated from the Indian Teacher Education program at the University of Saskatchewan, where she earned a master’s degree in educational administration. Shauneen Pete also holds a PhD from the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Arizona. She has worked as a professor and administrator for more than 20 years and has provided leadership toward the Indigenization and decolonization of Canada’s higher education sector.



Confronting White Fragility within Organizations

Presenter: Nikki Sanchez

Confronting White Fragility Within Organizations was available on-demand for a limited time after the live event. To learn more about this topic and how you might work with Nikki, visit Decolonize Together.

Nikki Sanchez (she/her) is a Pipil and Irish/Scottish academic, Indigenous media maker, and environmental educator. She holds a master’s degree in Indigenous Governance and is presently completing a Ph.D. with a research focus on emerging visual media technology as it relates to Indigenous ontologies. Her TEDx presentation is entitled “Decolonization is for Everyone.” Nikki is the creator and director of Decolonize Together a collective of Indigenous women who offer decolonial and anti-racism workshops and curriculum creation.



Visit our library of on-demand webinars in the PAN Presents and KnowledgeConnect series.

We greatly appreciate the vision of our government funders and their ongoing commitment to supporting the work of PAN. In particular we gratefully acknowledge the Public Health Agency of Canada – HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Image: Eric, Pixabay.