Call for Proposals – The Silver Zone – AIDS 2024

European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) and Realize are issuing this Call for Proposals at “The Silver Zone: A Networking Zone for Older Adults Living with HIV” in the Global Village at the 25th International AIDS Conference (22 July – 26 July 2024) in Munich, Germany.

The Silver Zone is organised in partnership with:

  • Black Women’s Learning Institute
  • Canadian Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (CANAC ACIIS)
  • Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Services Society (KLASS)
  • National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP)
  • NMAC
  • Portail VIH/Sida du Québec
  • Puerto Rico’s Housing Opportunities for People with HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Program
  • Zimbabwe National Network of People Living with HIV+ (ZNNP+)


Please carefully read the application details before submitting your application. Click here to submit your application:


Application deadline 12 May 2024, 14:59 PM Pacific time.


Unfortunately, thge organizers are not able to provide financial support for presenters or participants. Organizers must find their own funding for travel to Munich, Germany and all costs associated with participation in AIDS 2024. For more information about the conference visit:


Entry to the Global Village is free and open to the public. It does not require the payment of a conference registration fee.


If you have any questions, please contact Chiara Longhi: chiara.longhi AT



Globally, the face of HIV is an ageing one. Although in supportive systems people are living longer with access to effective treatments, many older adults living with HIV and HIV Long-Term Survivors are coping with the lasting impact of untreated HIV, age-related comorbidities and loss. Many feel isolated and uncertain about the future.

The Silver Zone is a place for older people living with HIV to re-engage with the HIV community and follow the science on HIV and ageing; to feel included and celebrated.

The Silver Zone’s objectives are:

  • Holding space for socialisation and mobilisation by older people living with HIV, increasing their visibility and building social capital;
  • Increasing awareness of the strengths, support needs and experiences of diverse older people living with HIV (OPWH) and building capacity among stakeholders who can support ageing well; and
  • Increasing health literacy and capacity for self- and community-care among older people living with HIV.

Our agenda features both in-person and virtual activities:

  • Networking for OPWH to share experiences, challenges, and strategies for ageing well.
  • Intergenerational dialogues, building understanding and respect among people living with HIV of all ages, and support the next generation of researchers, advocates, and clinicians in applying a life course perspective.
  • Panel discussions addressing evidence and implementation gaps that persist in various communities of OPWH, impeding their full inclusion.
  • Speakers presenting evidence, garnered through lived experience and research, on preventing comorbidities and factors affecting comprehensive well-being for OPWH.
  • Empowering affirmation through display of art projects, film screenings and storytelling that highlight the intersections of HIV and ageing.
  • Translate lessons learned into recommendations to improve equity and quality of life for OPWH.


Who can apply?

We are calling for participation from grassroots and national NGOs, faith-based organisations, networks, researchers, institutions, civil society organisations, human rights organisations, rehabilitation organisations, providers of ageing care, advocacy associations for older persons and other social justice organisations, as well as leaders in the field of HIV and ageing from around the world to join us in advancing the above objectives.


In our networking zone, ageing and older people living with HIV, researchers, advocates, service providers and conference attendees can come together to share experiences, learn from each other, and raise awareness of the intersection between HIV and ageing.



We invite you to apply to host an activity related to HIV, ageing and older persons including, but not limited to, the following types:

  1.  Posters and presentations on strategies for ageing well with HIV
  2.  Presentations and discussions on the intersections of identity, age and HIV
  3.  Demonstrations of innovative advocacy or equity initiatives
  4.  Display of art projects that highlight the intersections of HIV and ageing
  5.  Presentations of new research findings and evidence
  6.  Interactive skills-building sessions and workshops
  7.  Film screenings and digital storytelling
  8.  Stories from ageing and older adults living with HIV
  9.  Presentation of policy papers and community resources
  10. Roundtable discussions with key stakeholders in the field of HIV and/or ageing
  11. Intergenerational dialogues that apply a life course perspective to living with HIV
  12. Facilitated networking events for older adults living with HIV