Spotlight on Edi Young

PAN recently had the pleasure of speaking with Edi Young about learning in community-based work and where she is applying her learning. Edi lives on the unceded traditional territory of the Gidimt’en Clan and the Witsuwit’en people in what is colonially known as Smithers, BC.

You will hear Edi share some of her perspective about being involved with Positive Living North and PAN’s Making it Work Project. Read more about Edi here. The theme of Edi’s response is shown with each audio clip.


What inspired or motivated you to get involved with the type of work the PAN network does?

Experiencing stigma and becoming involved led to exploring her voice. (1:09 min) 



Along the way have you found there is a lot of learning that’s required?

Learning about the work people do and who they are. (0:21 sec)



What are some areas of knowledge you’ve been learning about and why are they important to learn?

Meeting people where they’re at to reduce harm. (0:53 sec)



You mentioned being involved with PAN’s Making it Work Project, what is your role at the table?

Bridging lived/living experience with being a peer research associate.(0:58 sec )



Do you see your lived experience as valuable knowledge that you bring to the project table?

The realization and belief in her own life experiences. (0:51 sec)



What have been some learning challenges along the way?

Using computer tech can be a challenge and the importance of sharing. (0:30 sec)



Are there ways of learning that work better for you compared to some other ways?

Learning by doing. (0:13 sec)



What words of wisdom, advice, or encouragement do you have for people newly involved who are starting their learning journey?

Two things that work well for Edi. (0:46 sec)




The Spotlight on Community blog series is about highlighting the people, organizations, and initiatives of PAN members and allies. It is an opportunity to raise awareness and learn more about each other. We want to feature a diverse range of people including people with lived/living experience, community-based & frontline workers, advocates, researchers, and educators.

Are you or your organization interested in being featured in PAN’s Spotlight on Community blog series? Contact Jennifer Demchuk, Manager of Research & Evaluation.