Making it Work Knowledge Sharing Events

Making It Work is a research project looking at integrated community-based services provided for people living with HIV, hepatitis C, and/or challenges with mental health or substance use. The study focused on services delivered through an Indigenous worldview and looked at how organizations create cultural safety for their clients.

Multiple methods were used to collect data from service users, service providers, people who fit both roles and other members of our community-based research team. These data sources were used to develop and refine our program theory over the course of this research.

A large part of the project focused on putting relationships and reciprocity first. Indigenous methods focus on the importance of relationships, so these were built into our process; from spending time responding to case study request/needs, slowing down research activities during public health crises, and/or focusing on the contribution of peer-workers, etc.

Over the summer of 2023, we wrapped up data analysis and compiled the project findings. An important part of research is bringing findings back to community. Therefore during October and November 2023, we held in-person knowledge sharing events at our case study sites.


The events consisted of a brief presentation of the findings (the full findings can be found here) to service providers, service users, and other community members. After the presentation there was time for connection over a meal which led into art activities relating to the findings. Symbols and key words and phrases which had emerged from the project were available to be stamped or ironed on to bags that participants could take home; this was also an effective way of sharing the findings with the larger community.

Overall, our KT events were well received. People were very interested in the art and crafting and were keen to take their creations out into the community with them. It was also a great opportunity to connect with folks who have been part of the project over the years and have one-on-one connections again.

One of the main things we learned from these events was the importance of being flexible and adaptive because things don’t always go as planned. There is a lot happening in communities and people have emergency priorities that come up. Research might notbe a priority for some, especially when we consider how their lives are being impacted by the toxic drug supply and related deaths, COVID, food insecurity, and the housing crisis. Given that, it was important to listen to people, really meet them where they were at, and make sure nothing was rushed or forced.

This goes back to how the project was developed and implemented, with relationships and reciprocity being prioritized, which in large part led to the important findings of the project. 












You can stay up to date on the Making it Work Project here.


Questions? Feedback? Resources to share? Get in touch!
Leanne Zubowski, Research and Evaluation Specialist, [email protected]