UNAIDS’ HIV Community Engagement Hub

UNAIDS has launched an online Engagement Hub for Communities living with, affected by and who care about HIV.  This online hub aims to provide communities with strategic information and resources on landmark political processes that could benefit from the active engagement of communities. It is structured under the pillars of sharing knowledge about these processes, providing opportunities to speak up and discuss, and take action.

This online hub has been developed with and for communities, with the technical and financial support from UNAIDS.

As this is a new resource, the creators are keen to hear community feedback on your experience using this hub, and how it could be improved as it evolves.


Survey on Universal Health Coverage

As the first landmark political process included in the hub, developers have identified the Universal Health Coverage agenda, and its upcoming High-Level meeting scheduled for September 2019, with its anticipated Political Declaration, as one of the main agendas in which UNAIDS will heavily support community engagement.

“To ensure that the voices of communities are heard and amplified in the process leading up to, during and after the High-Level meeting on UHC, we have developed a survey in English, Spanish, French, Russian and Arabic, which you can find here. We would be most grateful if you could please take a moment to respond to this confidential survey, and share it with your friends, colleagues and networks. The survey will remain open until March 24th.  We anticipate that the survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.” (from UNAIDS update)

Input through the survey will be critical to make sure that Member States take into account the needs of communities in Universal Health Coverage, and that quality health services effectively reach everyone everywhere, and are delivered with dignity and respect.