REACH 2.0 research centre launches new website

REACH 2.0 is a nation-wide, innovative, virtual laboratory for intervention research, participatory evaluation, and applied program science in HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections. This research centre is a partnership that includes people living with HIV/AIDS, community based organizations, front-line service providers, health researchers, and federal, provincial, and regional policy makers.REACH 2-0 screenshot

A new, dynamic website has been launched, which provides details about REACH 2.0 and will profile exciting new initiatives led by the centre. The site also profiles the work done under the CBR Collaborative Centre (a program of REACH), including that in British Columbia.

The Pacific AIDS Network is the co-lead of REACH 2.0 in British Columbia. For more information about the centre’s work in our region, get in touch with Janice Duddy ([email protected]), PAN’s Manager of Evaluation, or Andrea Langlois, PAN’s Director of Community Based Research.