Has Your Organization Completed the “HIV & Aging” Survey?

People living with HIV are getting older.

What programs and services are currently out there?

Your organization is invited to take part in a national SURVEY about programming and services for people over age 50 living with HIV/AIDS in Canada. Surveying clinics, community health centres, Centres de santé et de services sociaux and AIDS Service Organizations across Canada will provide useful information about what service providers across Canada are doing, and to whom organizations are referring clients who are aging with HIV.

Access the survey now!

Due to the positive response from service providers across Canada, the deadline to complete the survey has been extended! We heard what many service providers have to say about aging with HIV. If you have already completed the survey, thank you. If you have not yet completed the questionnaire, we want to hear from you!

We are seeking ONE survey to be completed at your organization. The survey will take 30 minutes or less to complete, depending on your answers. If interested, please visit this link to read the Letter of Information and access the survey: http://fluidsurveys.com/s/hivandagingsurvey/


The survey has been extended and will close on December 9th, 2013.


The community-based survey was developed by members a Project Team, consisting of older people living with HIV, service providers and researchers. For more information about taking part in our survey, please contact Charles Furlotte, McMaster University, directly by phone at 905-515-6727, or by email at [email protected]

This study has been reviewed and cleared by the McMaster Research Ethics Board.

Thank you.


Charles Furlotte, on behalf of the Project Team for “HIV and Aging: An Environmental Scan of Programs and Services in Canada”