Call For Submissions: Gay Men’s Health Summit 2013

Health & Gay Men’s Life Course
BC Gay Men’s Health Summit 2013

Call for Submissions: Presentations, Workshops, Videos, Panels

Thursday & Friday November 7- 8, 2013

Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre
555 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC

According to life course theory, the process of adult development is inseparable from the historical time and place in which it occurs. For example, coming out in this era of social media is proving to be quite a different experience than coming out was in the midst of the AIDS epidemic. While there has been considerable research attention to coming out as a developmental stage of gay men’s lives, little is understood about the long term effects of the historical period surrounding it. Sex Now survey shows that today’s young men are coming out earlier than past generations, in a social climate that appears, superficially at least, to be more welcoming than ever before. Yet, these same young men are exposed to greater antigay bullying and violence in high school than previous generations. What health outcomes might we expect to see in future years? Will these young men find resilience against today’s intense climate or will their experiences cloud the horizon? How will we know?

This year’s Summit will begin a wide ranging discussion on development and the gay life span, its historical framework and research challenges, in preparation for new explorations of the Sex Now survey.

We consider presentations on all aspects of gay men’s health. Guest speakers will be invited to address the Summit themes. Please consider how generational cohorts, historical eras and future trajectories affect your gay men’s health presentation.

Deadline for submissions: Monday, September 16, 2013

Send your submission, 300 word max, with title, author(s) and affiliation(s) to:
[email protected]

Presentations: 15-20 minutes
Background/Issues: Research/program objectives; summary of issues
Description: Research methods; description of actions
Results: Summary of data; lessons learned
Conclusions: Implications; next steps

Workshop or Panel: 1 or 1.5 hour
Overview: Background; rationale
Description: Intended audience; learning objectives
Activities: Discussion; speakers
Conclusions: Implications for gay men’s health