Positive Women’s Network member Monique Desroches has developed a member engagement survey, so the organization can continue to develop programming that responds to women’s needs and wants as defined by them. In this post, she explains why she feels passionate about her engagement work and what it will mean for members.
Positive Women’s Network wants to hear from its members. Here’s an opportunity for members to give feedback to PWN about how we engage with the services and resources provided. As author of this survey, I have spent the last few months in consultation with PWN members and staff to help determine the questions. A few of the questions are check-box types but most are conversational in nature because we’re seeking to hear your voice and your story.
I became a member at PWN shortly after my diagnosis, which was the spring of 1994. Adjusting to being HIV+ was tough and I struggled a lot at the beginning, but things have certainly become more manageable over the years. Regardless of how well I am doing, the reality is I continue to face challenges almost 20 years later and this is why I am glad to have Positive Women’s Network for support.
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