“Stepping Up” Report on Young Gay Men’s Health Launch Event (Vancouver)

To young gay men and their advocates,

The Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC), in partnership with YouthCO, would like to invite you to the launch of the Stepping Up to the Future of Young Gay Men’s Health report.

What is the report about?

Last November, the Community-Based Research Centre, in partnership with YouthCO, gathered a diverse group of advocates for young gay men and hosted an open dialogue on a range of topics related to young gay men’s health.  The key points from these discussions were then summarized in the Stepping Up to the Future of Young Gay Men’s Health report.

When is the launch?

Tuesday, June 4 2013 from 5:00pm – 7:30pm

Where is it being hosted?

YouthCO (568 Seymour Street, 2nd Floor)

How do I RSVP?

Please help us determine how much catering we should order by RSVPing for yourself and friends at http://youthco.nationbuilder.com/stepping_up.  Light refreshments will be provided.

We are excited to share and continue the discussions around young gay men’s health.  Come to the launch to meet other advocates and learn more about the Stepping Up to the Future of Young Gay Men’s Health report.

For further information:

Email Michael at [email protected] or

Email David at [email protected]

Sponsored by Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) and YouthCO